Thursday, August 26, 2021

Review of Hook, Line, and Sinker (Bellinger Sisters #2) by Tessa Bailey


 My Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

Firstly, thank you to Avon and NetGalley for the ARC!

The second book in the Bellinger Sisters series had a lot to live up to, given how much I enjoyed the first. I can happily note, “Hook, Line, and Sinker” did not disappoint! In fact, I rather enjoyed Hannah’s book more than Piper’s.

The romantic buildup between Hannah and Fox was a bit slower, as they started out as friends, letting their relationship progress into more over the course of a year+. Because of this, I found their rapport to be a lot sweeter, and certainly more believable.

The romance works even better thanks to how likeable Hannah and Fox are. Hannah is the same sweet, hippie girl we saw in the first book. She might be tentative when it comes to fighting for career opportunities, but when it comes to those she loves, she fiercely defends them.

It became evident that Fox needed a girl like that in his life, having been perhaps unjustly labeled as a playboy and heartbreaker. He desperately needed a cheerleader in his corner, since he couldn’t rely on family or friends to reaffirm his self-worth.

Like with the first book, there is no real prolonged drama or angst in these pages, just a sweet, simmering romance that will make you smile!

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