Friday, August 13, 2021

Review of the Big Kahuna (Fox and O'Hare #6) by Janet and Peter Evanovich

 More like Big Disappointment....

                                        My Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars

I love this series, or at least I did. Unfortunately, this book did not live up to the previous books in this series, a big disappointment especially after such a long wait.

Perhaps it was the change in co-authors, but some of the characters seemed off - most notably Nick. Gone was the suave, sophisticated con-man, and in his place was a bit of a goof. His intelligent banter with Kate was lacking, as was their overall relationship - disappointingly, that didn't seem to progress at all from the last book.

The plot was a bit sloppy. Despite action packed scenes, it didn't feel like much happened throughout the entirety of the 300+ pages. In the past it seemed as if the cons were well developed and more complex, but this time I felt the whole "mission" just meandered from point A to point B.

Furthermore, the team consisted of secondary characters that didn't really serve any purpose - Cosmo was a joke (and not a funny one). One even disappeared somewhat randomly, having been killed "off-stage".

Perhaps it was pressures behind the scenes - a change in authors, deadline changes, etc. - that led to this being my least favorite book in the series. Though I'm disappointed, I am still invested in the characters and look forward to the next book.

But please, for the love of God, bring back Lee Goldberg for the next one!

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