Saturday, January 20, 2024

Fangirl Down - Tessa Bailey Does It Again!


Review of Fangirl Down by Tessa Bailey

I’m not big into sports romance, but I do enjoy Tessa Bailey’s books, so I thought I’d give “Fangirl Down” a try. Boy, am I glad I did!

Funny, sweet, and sexy this book follows Wells Whitaker, washed up pro golfer and all-around mess, as he allows his #1 fan, Josephine, to bring him back from the brink. Normally overzealous, borderline stalkers aren’t my preference when it comes to heroines, but Josephine is so sweet and down to earth, that it’s hard not to like her.

As with any Tessa Bailey book, the romance is off the charts; Bailey certainly knows how to build up the sexual tension! In addition to the spicy scenes sprinkled throughout, is a real sweetness exhibited by our duo. Josephine’s love of golf and bigger yet, love for Wells, is evident in her every action. Her patience and her hard-working ethic make her one admirable heroine. As for Wells, he may have initially given up on himself, but he never gives up on Josephine. His transformation from selfish jerk to compassionate partner, also makes him one worthy hero in my eyes.

Add in the fact that Josephine has Type 1 Diabetes and that her mentorship of Wells has a expiration date, and you get enough tension to keep the plot really interesting.

I will say I don’t know much about golf, but by the end I was wanting to play a round or two myself. That to me is the mark of a good book!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Review of A Wicked Game by Kate Bateman


My Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Note: I received this ARC from NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager in exchange for my honest review.

Book number three in Kate Bateman’s Ruthless Rivals series features sea captain Morgan and his love interest/rival map maker Harriet. A Wicked Game follows the format of its predecessors in that it sees the pairing of members of the Montgomery and Davies families, who pretend to dislike each other, whilst harboring a profound love for one another.

Both Morgan and Harriet are likeable – Morgan is sweet in his long-held devotion to Harriet and in his first-class treatment of men under his command. Harriet is in turn is unselfish and caring, putting her dreams of traveling the world on hold to care for her blind father.

In terms of the plot, you won’t find much action or suspense, I’m afraid. Most of the story is devoted to Morgan winning over Harriet. What you will get is witty banter, comedic bets, and a couple of steamy love scenes.

There is a villain, but his presence in the story is rather brief and quite unremarkable. The only reason this isn’t a five-star read for me – Kate Bateman’s writing is certainly solid – is that I would have liked a bit more action and danger. However, I understand this book is meant to be a fun and light, so I understand the deficiency in that area.

All in all, this an enjoyable read!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hell's Belle's! A Review of "Heartbreaker" by Sarah MacLean

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Note: I received this ARC from NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager in exchange for my honest review.

Heartbreaker was my first foray into the Hell’s Belles series. Though it contains a common trope – riffraff falls in love with aristocrat – the characters and plot do well to ensure that this novel won’t fade easily into the background.

Henry, the hero of this story, is a duke with a secret – one that makes him feel unworthy of his place in the world. Adelaide, the heroine, likewise feels unworthy given her origins as a thief and daughter of a crime lord.

The sweetest thing about this story is the way Henry and Adelaide slowly convince each other that they are deserving of happiness and love. In the process, they also manage to take down a few villains with the help of Adelaide’s friends, the Hell’s Belles (the most interesting of which in my opinion was Imogen).

I will admit, this book for me was a bit of a slow read. I’m not sure if it was because the action seemed to fizzle at points, or if it was the heavy-handed feminist trope. I do appreciate the strength of all the female characters in this universe, however, I found it frustrating that the women were so often hesitant to accept help from men, and in fact seemed to love to belittle them.

I would have liked a better balance of strength/determination and softheartedness. That being said, this book is still a good, solid read. I find myself looking forward to Imogen’s book, so I will be sure to check back in with the series!

Monday, June 6, 2022

To Reid or Not to Reid? A Review of "A Matter of Temptation" by Stacey Reid.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Stacey Reid delivers another solid read with “A Matter of Temptation”, the first book in her new series. In this historical, we see Miss Wilhelmina Crawford match wit and swords with Simon Loughton, Earl of Creswick.

Mina is a likeable heroine – smart, brave, and fiery. Her only flaw is having once trusted a less than scrupulous fellow with her heart. Ruined in the eyes of the ton, she spent a chunk of her 20s sequestered away in the countryside. Thanks to a duel and a business proposal proffered by Simon, Mina returns to society with a newly animated disposition. 

Simon, a reserved politician, too begins to develop a new vivacity. His devotion to Mina, even upon learning of her past transgressions, is both admirable and endearing. Despite the danger her past relationship poses to his political career, he never wavers in wanting her by his side.

Though there is no real villain and no real danger – aside from a minor attempt on Simon’s life, which hardly factored into the overall plot – the story still captures the attention of the reader with the will they or won’t they tension. 

As is typical of a Stacy Reid book, there are plenty of swoon worthy love scenes, and a nice, satisfying epilogue.

You can’t go wrong with this read!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Review of Breaking Free (Colorado High Country, #8) by Pamela Clare

 My Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

You cannot go wrong with a Colorado High Country book, so imagine my utter joy when I discovered the series was far from over. Three years since the last book was released, the newest edition to the lineup takes place not long after the conclusion of book 7, Chasing Fire.

Breaking Free centers around Winona, Chaska’s sister and resident Wolf whisperer, and Jason Chiago, a fellow Native American (of the Tohono O’odham nation), who makes his living as a US-Mexico border agent. Not only are there instant sparks between the two, but they work together rather nicely, as is evident by their ability to track down a livestock killer and his “pet” wolf.

There’s no real angst in this book, and the only real conflict stems from a promise Jason made to his grandmother on her deathbed. That being said, there is plenty of mystery and danger as the two work this case.

Overall, another great book in the series that has me looking forward to the next Colorado High adventure!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Review of Hook, Line, and Sinker (Bellinger Sisters #2) by Tessa Bailey


 My Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

Firstly, thank you to Avon and NetGalley for the ARC!

The second book in the Bellinger Sisters series had a lot to live up to, given how much I enjoyed the first. I can happily note, “Hook, Line, and Sinker” did not disappoint! In fact, I rather enjoyed Hannah’s book more than Piper’s.

The romantic buildup between Hannah and Fox was a bit slower, as they started out as friends, letting their relationship progress into more over the course of a year+. Because of this, I found their rapport to be a lot sweeter, and certainly more believable.

The romance works even better thanks to how likeable Hannah and Fox are. Hannah is the same sweet, hippie girl we saw in the first book. She might be tentative when it comes to fighting for career opportunities, but when it comes to those she loves, she fiercely defends them.

It became evident that Fox needed a girl like that in his life, having been perhaps unjustly labeled as a playboy and heartbreaker. He desperately needed a cheerleader in his corner, since he couldn’t rely on family or friends to reaffirm his self-worth.

Like with the first book, there is no real prolonged drama or angst in these pages, just a sweet, simmering romance that will make you smile!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Hidden Gems to Read in 2021

Be sure to check out these 2021 romance releases!

Redwood (Linear Tactical #11) by Janie Crouch

On the run from a dark and dangerous past, the heroine receives some help and attention from a Special Forces soldier turned sheriff.

Her Royal Payne (The Survivors #10) by Shana Galen

This historical romance pairs brawn with beauty, as a pugilist helps out a woman whose minister father goes missing.

Don't Play With Odin (Trouble for Hire #2) by Cynthia Eden

A viking-esque PI pairs up with a bubbly heroine who is convinced her next door neighbor is a killer.

Saving Penni (SEAL Team Tango #2) by Nicole Flockton

A convenience store robbery ends with a tough Navy Seal falling for a sweet and savvy PR guru, unfortunately for them the danger doesn't stop there.

Sweet Rogue of Mine (The Survivors #9) by Shana Galen 

Stubborn meets sassy as a blinded sharp-shooter living in self-imposed isolation crosses paths with a quirky and scandalous woman, whose missionary parents have all but abandoned her in the soldier's backyard.