Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Review of A Wicked Game by Kate Bateman


My Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Note: I received this ARC from NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager in exchange for my honest review.

Book number three in Kate Bateman’s Ruthless Rivals series features sea captain Morgan and his love interest/rival map maker Harriet. A Wicked Game follows the format of its predecessors in that it sees the pairing of members of the Montgomery and Davies families, who pretend to dislike each other, whilst harboring a profound love for one another.

Both Morgan and Harriet are likeable – Morgan is sweet in his long-held devotion to Harriet and in his first-class treatment of men under his command. Harriet is in turn is unselfish and caring, putting her dreams of traveling the world on hold to care for her blind father.

In terms of the plot, you won’t find much action or suspense, I’m afraid. Most of the story is devoted to Morgan winning over Harriet. What you will get is witty banter, comedic bets, and a couple of steamy love scenes.

There is a villain, but his presence in the story is rather brief and quite unremarkable. The only reason this isn’t a five-star read for me – Kate Bateman’s writing is certainly solid – is that I would have liked a bit more action and danger. However, I understand this book is meant to be a fun and light, so I understand the deficiency in that area.

All in all, this an enjoyable read!

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