Saturday, January 20, 2024

Fangirl Down - Tessa Bailey Does It Again!


Review of Fangirl Down by Tessa Bailey

I’m not big into sports romance, but I do enjoy Tessa Bailey’s books, so I thought I’d give “Fangirl Down” a try. Boy, am I glad I did!

Funny, sweet, and sexy this book follows Wells Whitaker, washed up pro golfer and all-around mess, as he allows his #1 fan, Josephine, to bring him back from the brink. Normally overzealous, borderline stalkers aren’t my preference when it comes to heroines, but Josephine is so sweet and down to earth, that it’s hard not to like her.

As with any Tessa Bailey book, the romance is off the charts; Bailey certainly knows how to build up the sexual tension! In addition to the spicy scenes sprinkled throughout, is a real sweetness exhibited by our duo. Josephine’s love of golf and bigger yet, love for Wells, is evident in her every action. Her patience and her hard-working ethic make her one admirable heroine. As for Wells, he may have initially given up on himself, but he never gives up on Josephine. His transformation from selfish jerk to compassionate partner, also makes him one worthy hero in my eyes.

Add in the fact that Josephine has Type 1 Diabetes and that her mentorship of Wells has a expiration date, and you get enough tension to keep the plot really interesting.

I will say I don’t know much about golf, but by the end I was wanting to play a round or two myself. That to me is the mark of a good book!